~Lovely lil Disclaimer~

Keep in mind that this blog is devoted to all things GAY. That means any news, advice, entertainment, literature, reviews, jokes,polls, etc will be completely curved. I might give it to you with no chaser but it definitely wont be STRAIGHT!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Befriend those we can't f*ck?

Couple of questions I wanna toss out:

While you're in a relationship, how well do you trust yourself in a strictly platonic friendship with someone you are attracted to?
NOW, after all the BS i've been thru and put my gf thru, I trust myself pretty damn well. There were times I know I would've F'd it all up and lost the best thing to happen to me but now, don't even worry about it.

Is it realistic to think that you wont be tempted to take it there?
Temptation is a given. It happens to everyone and it wont go away unless you're deaf, dumb, blind and have no hands. But just cuz you're tempted to taste forbidden fruit doesn't mean u have to bite it cuz chances are you're gonna choke on it anyway. So back up.

Is it possible for sexual attraction to merely go away?
Now this one i'm not so sure of. I mean, yeah over time your attraction for someone can definitely fade for one reason or another. But if you're just really feelin someone and you're constantly around them or talking to them, that sexual tension is not just gonna disappear. Come on now. It takes time, and conscious work until it becomes effortless. And when that happens, you're good. But if u still gotta MAKE yourself stop flirting with someone, or force yourself to not think certain thoughts...you're in danger. And u probably know it.

Can [attractive] femmes and studs be friends and nothing ever happen?
Yes. I dont think all attractive people have to fuck each other. If im cute, and you're cute and we are cool, it doesn't mean anything is gonna happen. Especially not if im already with someone. But now, if i'm single and cute, and you're single & cute...mmm.

Can't wait for the responses. Honesty is the best policy.


Anonymous said...

How well do you trust yourself in a strictly platonic friendship with someone you are attracted to?

----I'm in a relationship so there is no one worth me loosing my gf over.

Is it realistic to think that you wont be tempted to take it there?

----I don't think we can be given over to our desires either.
We all have self-control. I really want that doughnut too...should I eat it? Heck no!

Is it possible for sexual attraction to merely go away?

----Yes, I think so. Esp. if the person is a nose-picker or something appauling!

Can [attractive] femmes and studs be friends and nothing ever happen?

----I certaintly hope so. I can't be chasing my gf down and watching her like a hawk!

Chanel said...

Lol Tami. Not in the mood to play detective?

Unknown said...

Love this: and I do think its possible for a friendship to just be a friendship, but if you feel yourself wanting to cross that line, you gotta pull back and of course be honest with your s/o....otherwise, the shit is gonna pop off and somebody gonna get in major trouble.

Anonymous said...

Shit. Well wat do u do wen u need a new. Gurl. But. Scared. To b with. Another. Gurl. Cuz of Tha Frist did u in.