~Lovely lil Disclaimer~

Keep in mind that this blog is devoted to all things GAY. That means any news, advice, entertainment, literature, reviews, jokes,polls, etc will be completely curved. I might give it to you with no chaser but it definitely wont be STRAIGHT!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Territorial over shit that aint yours

Okay soooo let's be 100% blunt here. Women are fuckin nutty buddies. We either cry way too much, or internalize everything beneath a bazillion tons of stone and never cry at all. We rant one moment & wanna cupcake the next. We feel 167% in love on Tuesday and filled with hatred come Saturday. We wanna talk your head off in the morning and give silent treatments in the pm. We can be some straight up fruitcakes. But for those of us women who love/adore/cherish/lust after other women....we can't stay away. Doesn't seem to matter how bright the Out To Lunch sign is, women are addictive. But there are some things we (including myself) have GOT to do better on.

Let's talk about being territorial. *confession moment* I'm goin through a situation where I'm being territorial over someone who isn't mine...for the moment, and I feel authorized to do so because she was mine...for the longest. It sucks ass. I feel like the little kid who attaches himself to his favorite toy inside Toys R Us knowing damn well his mom is cheap as hell and wont be buying it but is STILL emotionally damaged when she yanks the toy out of his hand while he's yelling but its miiiiiiiiiiiineee! *sigh*

Why do we do this? Why is it so hard to just let go and say fine...get the hell on. Holding onto something that isn't yours kinda sounds like a form of robbery. It just sounds so...uggghhh...what's the word I'm looking for here? It feels like a form of cruel and unusual punishment that i'm committing on myself because honestly, if something isn't mine anymore, it takes way more energy to struggle to hold on then it does to wipe your hands clean....

Maybe i'll figure it out one day.


@laura_luna said...

Girl, it NEVER ends...I'm still like that over my ex wife despite having a new gf. I'm more territorial with her in the way that I feel I need to 'approve' of people she dates and if I don't like them..lawd have mercy...I think your situation might be different, but it's a little on the same scope. I figure, she was my wife and you're supposed to upgrade after your ex right? So needless to say, the bar is set pretty high and I am quick to voice my concern/disapproval...if you were that close with someone for YEARS, that's bound to happen...in my opinion..

Chanel said...

Fab...girl...YESSS. You expect if someone is gonna go to the next after you it better be a fuckin upgrade right. But um...hate to say it but its not gonna get but too much better so anyone else is sloppy seconds and i got a problem wit that. And im not a quiet chick so if u step out wit the next and she aint up to par..... be prepared for wut the fuck i got to say cuz its comin got dammit.


I am not territorial over my ex...yet. I just dont think she is far enough removed from me (nor me from her) to try to move on. Ok maybe I am a bit territorial. Shit. Fmylife

Chanel said...

Sistah...see it sneaks up on you. Smh. That shit is hard tho. What does it take to get to the point where you are removed enuf to let go??

Monie said...


Have a nice holiday! And a great New Year.

(and just be patient, you will find what you need.) :-)

Chanel said...

MONIE!!! Omg I've missed u around here. How r things going? Thank u so much for stopping by. U have a great Christmas and New Year as well.

Brooklyn said...

You're not 100% over the relationship if you're still territorial over it. Trust, when you are DONE with it... you won't care if your ex dates a bag of rocks. Perhaps you still need closure?