~Lovely lil Disclaimer~

Keep in mind that this blog is devoted to all things GAY. That means any news, advice, entertainment, literature, reviews, jokes,polls, etc will be completely curved. I might give it to you with no chaser but it definitely wont be STRAIGHT!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Can we skip Christmas 09??

I typically love holiday season. I don't really do all the decorating and cooking [i leave that to the Betty Crocker's and Martha Stewart's in my life] but i do like taking in all the decorative sights, smelling the holiday food, and just overall enjoying the warm & festive vibes that are so prevalent during this time. This year = no bueno. I'm going through so much emotionally and mentally, I don't have any room left in my spirit and in my mind to allow the happiness of the season to sink in. I feel very empty right now and it sucks so bad. I see people goin around, excited to do their xmas shopping, making plans to be with family and friends and i'm like....*sigh* I don't really have much to look forward to this Christmas. It doesn't feel very good. =(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...