~Lovely lil Disclaimer~

Keep in mind that this blog is devoted to all things GAY. That means any news, advice, entertainment, literature, reviews, jokes,polls, etc will be completely curved. I might give it to you with no chaser but it definitely wont be STRAIGHT!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Guess what today is??!

MY BIRTHDAY BITCHES!!!!! Wooooooooooooooo!!!

I've now been alive 26 years and can't believe it. Where the hell has time run off to? *sigh* Oh well. My gf told me to say i'm twenty-sexy =-) Me likes that. Anywho, i'll be outta commission here until monday cuz she has plans for me all wkend long...me likes that too ;-) Enjoy your weekend everyone!


Melanie! said...


Jesse said...

Happy Birthday Chanel!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Chanel!
Enjoy every minute of it :-)

TYR said...

Happy Birthday! O and enjoy the weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy (belated) Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. You'll have to tell us all about it! *hug* :-)

Chanel said...

Thank you much guys! *besos*